






This Sunday marks the day that we celebrate Austin’s Ba Ba’s Day (Ba Ba means Father in Chinese).  Funny thing is that most of the teachers at Austin’s daycare probably think Austin calls his dad “Pa Pa”, which sounds pretty old school and traditional, but it’s actually him speaking Chinese!  Austin’s Ba Ba is the one that Austin would probably consider the fun one.  He plays “tickle monster” with Austin, he let’s Austin get on his back like a horse, he does this weird breathing thing down Austin’s neck that makes Austin giggle like no other.  Austin’s Ba Ba is the one who does daycare drop offs which I am so thankful for because that is never fun.  I usually pick up Austin from daycare and take him home and we count down the minutes until we can see his Ba Ba’s car pull up or until he opens the door, in which Austin’s face lights up and turns me into a pile of mush.  Austin’s Ba Ba is so caring and loving and always wants to make sure we are feeding him well and we are following the right techniques for discipline, sleep schedules, potty training etc. for Austin.  I love that he takes the time to read books like “parenting your strong toddler” and “happiest toddler on the block” to ensure that Austin has the best care we can give him.

I know that Austin will follow in his Ba Ba’s footsteps as he grows up and they will play video games and ball together.  But what I’m excited for this year is for Austin’s Ba Ba to soon become a Ba Ba to a Ba Ba’s little girl..  I know the bond between a Ba Ba and a daughter is not like any other and I can’t wait to see him interact with her (and probably melt to her every request).

Happy Father’s Day (this coming Sunday) to all the wonderful Ba Ba’s out there!