Guess what??Β  The giveaway queen (thanks for the name Emily!) is back with another Sponsor Giveaway today!! πŸ™‚Β  Today’s giveaway is brought to you by the lovely Lori from ChicGeek Designs.Β  When I first met Lori I was so excited to hear that she loved two of my favorite things, photography and traveling!Β  Right then and there, I knew we’d be great friends! πŸ™‚Β  Lori’s shop is filled with beautiful cards and prints from photos she has taken or watercolors that she has painted all by herself!

{shop} {blog} {twitter}

1) Tell us a little about yourself.
I am an IT Geek during the day with a passion for travel and photography. My blog and my shop are my outlets from the everyday world. I enjoy Interior Design and am going back to school at night to try and obtain a diploma inΒ ResidentialΒ Planning so maybe someday I can run my own business.

2) What inspired you to start your shop?
I wanted to share my trips and travels with people. Before I started traveling, I would always look at pictures dreaming of when I could go and hang pictures of Italy on my wall inspired – knowing one day I would go. And then one day I did. So I wanted to share that experience with others.
3) It looks like you’ve traveled to a lot of places, where is your favorite travel spot and why?
That’s really hard to say because each place is unique to themselves. I love Los Cabos for the relaxation that it provided and listening to the ocean each night as I fell asleep. Italy was my dream trip and I love the history, architecture, countryside, etc that it provided that I will never see over here in the US. Germany was a whirlwind but one I wouldn’t pass up as the castles were breathtaking and the people were so nice. The contrast between modern and ancient was incredible. I could go on and on about each trip because they are so special to me. I think that’s why I love traveling so much. They each provide something different and unique.
4) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Oh this is easy – Moose Tracks – peanut butter ice cream, with fudge swirls and mini reese cups! πŸ˜‰


Lori is giving away $20 shop credit to anything in her shop!Β  This could cover anything from a print to 4-6 different cards!


1. (Mandatory entry) Visit ChicGeek Designs and leave a comment on this blog post with the name of your favorite item from her shop!
2. (For an additional entry) Heart (add to favorites) ChicGeek Designs on etsy and let me know you did so. If you already do heart her, you can still enter.
3. (For an additional entry) Blog, twitter, or facebook about this giveaway and leave a comment with the link.Β  If you Twitter, please make sure to use @ChicGeekDesigns and @sandyalamode in your tweet.Β  And to make things extra easy, feel free to use this tweet:

    #GIVEAWAY Win a $20 gift certificate to @ChicGeekDesigns card and print etsy shop on @sandyalamode!

This giveaway is only OPEN INTERNATIONALLY and ends on Tuesday, October 19 at 5:00PM CST. The winner will be chosen by and will be announced on this blog. Thank you SO much Lori and good luck everyone!

Entries for this giveaway have been closed!Β  Thanks!